Knitting for the soldiers

Geelong group project - Knitting for the Soliders

The Country Womens Association Geelong Group in partnership with the Bendigo Community Bank is set to supply diggers with warm accessories to see them through the harsh winter battle in Afghanistan.

The group aims to send 1500 sets of beanies and fingerless gloves, one set for each digger in combat in Afghanistan and is calling on community help with the knitting of these items.

We would like to thank 3AW, ABC Radio, and the Australian Country Spinners for their ongoing support.

Following is a web cast of Nancy Brennan - President of the CWA Werribee Branch (Geelong Group) from her interview on the ABC Radio.
ABC Central Victoria Interview and patterns
If you have the time to volunteer for this project please contact us via this blog so we can possibly assist with the delivery of some of the wool that has been donated.
All finished items are to be taken to any Branch of the Bendigo Bank, who will intern courier the complete items down.

Mens Helmut

Frankston CWA and Mornington Peninsula knitters have joined Werribee's call to knit for our troops, supported by the Carrum Downs Community Bank, providing wool and patterns. Pictured are community bank board chairman Gary Rowe, with polio survivor Audrey Donehue of Frankston South, who has knitted for worthy causes all her life. Audrey's husband was a soldier. She now lives at RSL Park.